Altro David A. & Associates
Dumais & Giard
Standard Life Assurance Company of Canada The
Heenan Blaikie LLP
Mitchell Gattuso
Legal Aid Quebec
McMillan LLP
Monty Coulombe s.e.n.c.
July 21st, 2022
Adler Leo Law
Rose & Rose
RDM Lawyers LLP
Dilieto Marcella
Broadway Law Group
Reim Law Professional Corporation
Poon & Ho LLP
MacLean Theresa M.
Brouillard Bibeau Gariepy & Ass.
Ross & McBride LLP
Yee Shirley
Bowles Kenny Kennedy
Kassabian Law Professional Corporation
Monterosso Giroux Lamoureux Avocats
Carmelina Spano Notary
Department of Justice (Nunavut)