Boivin Lessard Ouellet Cote
Claveau Gauthier & Allard
Cain Lamarre Casgrain Wells
Court of Quebec
Simard Boivin Lemieux s.e.n.c.r.l.
Gauthier Bedard S.E.N.C.R.L.
Lavoie Tremblay
July 21st, 2022
Dilieto Marcella
Broadway Law Group
Reim Law Professional Corporation
Poon & Ho LLP
MacLean Theresa M.
Monterosso Giroux Lamoureux Avocats
Rouben Allan
Roach Schwartz & Associates
AMPM Systems Ltd.
McInnis & Nicoll
Louise LeBlanc Professional Corporation
Legal Aid Ontario
Smith Wayne P.
Hurren and Gibson
Mikhailitchenko Law Office